I like to look at cutely-captioned critters on the internet and then write silly limericks to complement the photos.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

ICHC Limerick: Shifty Squirrel

Exposing the squirrel's nutty ruse
was a case no one wanted to choose
sans a gumshoe to run it
I sussed out who done it
by gath'ring and solving the clues

ICHC Limerick: To Get to the Other Side

Once the tears of the poultry were dried,
’twas the Tomcat who cast off his pride.
Nestled ‘mongst hay and bricks
he stood guard o’er the chicks

keeping all safe and sound on this side

ICHC Limerick: Frau Maus

There once was a nosy old mouse
who spread vicious lies through the house.
She gossiped and gabbed,
and blathered and blabbed
til the housemistress hollered “Sie! AUS!!”

ICHC limerick: Nice Wheels

A cat who liked cars very much
found himself just a tad out of touch.
To the humans they pandered
when making a standard;
his paws were too short for the clutch.

ICHC limerick: TP

A cat who preferred the world numbered
slipped into the loo unencumbered.
When confronted with tissue,
he conquered the issue,
posed for photos, then spit up, and slumbered.